Peerlist: Networking

Abida Alalawi
3 min readSep 8, 2022


In a previous article on TheTechTopics, I shared how networking and showcasing skills can benefit the personal brand. Networking is an inalienable aspect of the modern work culture. Employers value the capability of their employees to grow through the proliferation of ideas and approaches with like-minded people. Making professional connections not only benefits you in your current position, but it can also help you when you’re next on the lookout to make a career move. Having contacts in the right places will ensure you have a heads-up about the latest openings, and a well-placed word could help to secure that interview. remote work and virtual networking becoming increasingly common in today’s world, posting your resume online is a smart way to help employers find you and contact you directly about applicable openings. There are lots of business networking sites that are great for hooking up with industry peers. A professional community like Peerlist is a great way of keeping up with your industry on a global scale.

About Peerlist

Peerlist is a community of working professionals focused on building a personal brand, sharing professional content, & finding peers to collaborate with and meet like-minded people. A Peerlist profile can be used as a simple resume/ complete portfolio to showcase work from Github, Dribbble, Product Hunt, Medium, DEV, and many more.


· Proof of work: showcase your best projects

· Hire and get hired.

· Networking discovers people based on their skills.

· Profile Analytics know who visited your profile.

· Allow users to book a meeting directly from their profile.

Thoughts on Peerlist

Peerlist is specifically established for professionals all around the world to network. The website allows people to search for business contacts, manage their professional identity, and showcase their work Peerlist’s focus on the utility of building a profile to showcase experience is an interesting growth strategy. This will increase the possibilities of expanding the network, connecting with colleagues, and identifying desired career opportunities.

Peerlist Story

Last year one of my very close and dear friend, with whom I learned back-end development suggested me to join peerlist community I made an account on the same day. I am glad to be a part of this wonderful community I still have a long way to go to learn and share on this platform.

Tips for Networking Professionally

· Have an optimized profile

· Share your knowledge and provide information this will display your expertise and build trust among your followers.

· Use a professional profile picture to emphasize your personality, professionalism, and branding.

· Announce your accomplishments.

· build an effective online presence like others post, have positive discussions, and Follow them Back.

· Behave in a respectful manner and remain professional.

my advice for efficient networking is to have a goal in mind so for example my current networking goal is to connect with as many aspiring front-end developers as possible every time I post a new article I try to reach these people who my writing is targeting for and for efficient networking when you want to find a job is to network with those who come from a small to mid-sized companies if you network with someone who’s from a giant company, for example, an internal referral from this person it’s doable but what they can actually help you with is very minimum is very little I’m not saying networking with folks from big and giant companies are not effective at all it’s just that bigger companies and very mature companies usually their hiring process is also very mature the hiring process is very automated and is designed to not be affected by human factors and human biases

In conclusion, I believe Peerlist is an invaluable tool, especially in today’s economy and the job market. Peerlist’s vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. And it’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

my Peerlist Profile

